Different Seasons, Different Car Washes: Learn Which One You Need This Season

September 19, 2022

A lot of people think that car washing is a one-size-fits-all year-round thing. They think that they should stick to one schedule when it comes to washing their car. But the truth of the matter is, experts know that washing your car is a seasonal thing. Just like fruit goes in and out of season, so does washing your car. Now we don't mean that there's an entire season where you don't give it a bath. What we mean is that each season has a specific environment to look out for. Your car's not going to be as clean in the winter time as it is in the summer. And we'll explain what you need to look for.


People tend to love the fall because it's a comfortable month to be in. It's not too hot and it's not too cold. For many industries it's the start of the new year. New TV shows are coming on TV, and it's also back to school. But unfortunately, fall isn't perfect. It can wreak havoc on the car's surface as the leaves love to accumulate on the outside. They get into the crevices and pile up on the windshield. They can be a mess to take care of which is why you may need to wash your car a little bit more in the fall.


If you're going to the best car wash near me, you're probably going a lot more in the winter time. This is because your car is exterior, gets coded with things like ice and snow. When they melt they leave a terrible residue that doesn't make your car look that great. But the weather often inhibits people from going out and about because who wants to travel in the cold weather. So if you don't want to be the norm, take your car to a car wash a lot more in the winter time. Just because it's going to snow again doesn't mean that you can't keep on top of things.


You'll probably go to the nearest car wash a lot less when the springtime hits. This is because the weather is clearing up now. But it's not as good as the summertime because there's a lot more rain in the spring depending on where you live. This is when there are a lot more storms happening. And rain doesn't do your car's exterior or any favors. Spring is definitely better than fall and winter months.


Last but certainly not least the summertime is one of the best seasons for your cars exterior because the weather is better and you can go longer periods of time without having to get your car washed. So to no surprise, summer takes the win.

At the end of the day when it comes to keeping your car clean there's no better solution than to take it to a nearby car wash.  So skip that nearest car wash and stop on into Tommy Terrific’s Car Wash today!